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2022 Screenings

Access only with invitation

La Maternal

Pilar Palomero, Spain
Drama, 2022, 120’
Tuesday, October 25th, 8:00 pm


Frances O’Connor, United Kingdom
Drama, 2022, 130’
Saturday, November 5th, 8:00 pm

The kings of the world

Laura Mora, Colombia
Drama, 2022, 103’
October 28th, 9:00 pm

Maya Nilo (Laura)

Lovisa Sirén, Sweden
Fiction, 2022, 97’
Saturday October 29th, 7:30 pm

Svetlonoc (Nightsiren)

Tereza Nvotová, Slovakia
Fiction, 2022, 106’
Saturday October 29th, at 9:30 pm

Palm Trees and Power Lines

Jamie Dack, USA
Drama, 2022, 110’
Sunday, October 30th, 5:00 pm

Estación Catorce

Diana Cardozo, Mexico
Fiction, 2021, 90’
Sunday, October 30th, 2022. 7:30 pm

Ønskebarn (Baby Pyramid)

Cecilie McNair, Denmark
Fiction, 2022, 92’
Friday, November 4th, 7:00 pm


Maryna Er Gorbach, Ukraine and Turkey
Drama, 2022, 100’
Friday, November 4th, 9:00 pm


Soudade Kaadan, Syria
War Drama, 2022, 100’
Saturday, November 5th, 7:00 pm

The Blue Caftan

Maryam Touzani, Morocco
Drama/Romance LGTBIQ+, 2022, 118’
Saturday, November 5th, 9:00 p.m.

Wir könnten genauso gut tot sein (We might as well be dead)

Natalia Sinelnikova, Germany
Drama, 2022, 93’
Sunday, November 6th, 7:00 pm

Sala Berlanga. Fundación SGAE
C/ Andrés Mellado nº 53


Anna Bofarull, Spain and USA
Drama, 2022, 127’
Wednesday, October 26th, 6:30 pm

Sis dies corrents (Seis días corrientes)

Neus Ballús, Spain
Fiction, 2021, 86’
Thursday, October 27th, 6:30 pm


Carol Rodríguez Colás, Spain
Fiction/Comedy. 2021, 91’
Thursday, October 27th, 9:00 pm

Canción a una dama en la sombra (Song to a Lady in the Shadows)

Carolina Astudillo, Spain
Documentary, 2021, 117’
Friday, October 28th, 6:30 pm

La voluntaria

Nely Reguera, España
Ficción, 2022, 99’
Friday, October 28th, 9pm

Héroes de barrio

Ángeles Reiné, Spain
Fiction, 2022, 86’
Saturday, October 29th, 6:30 pm

El Comensal

Ángeles González-Sinde, Spain
Fiction, 2022, 100’
Saturday, October 29th, 9:00 pm

Viaje a alguna parte

Helena de Llanos, Spain
Documentary, 2021, 108’
Tuesday, November 1st, 6:30 pm

Cerdita (Piggy)

Carlota Pereda, Spain
Fiction, 2022, 100’
Tuesday, November 1st, 9:00 pm

Cinco lobitos (Lullaby)

Alauda Ruiz de Azúa, Spain
Fiction, 2022, 104’
Wednesday, November 2nd, 6:30 pm

No hay camino (There is no Path)

Heddy Honigmann, Netherlands
Documentary, 2021, 93’
Thursday, October, 27th. 8pm

Magic Mountains

Urszula Antoniak, Netherlands
Thriller, 2020, 81’
Wednesday, November 2nd. 7:00 pm

Turn Your Body to the Sun

Aliona van der Horst, Netherlands
Documentary, 2021, 93’
Thursday, November, 3rd. 6 pm

Splendid Isolation

Urszula Antoniak, Netherlands
Fiction, 2022, 80’
Thursday, November 3rd, 2022. 8 pm

Ten Songs for Charity

Karin Junger, Netherlans
Musical/drama, 2021, 115’
Friday, November, 4th. 8pm


Halina Reijn, Netherlands
Thriller, 2019, 108’
Saturday November 5th. 8pm

Pim & Pom: Het Grote Avontuur (Pim y Pom: The Big Adventure)

Gioia Smid, Netherlands
Animation, 2014, 70’
Sunday, November 6th. 12 pm

Le Matelas épileptique (The Drunken Mattress)

Alice Guy Blaché, France
Comedy, 1906, 9’
Friday, October 28th, 5 pm

Mixed Pets

Alice Guy Blaché, Francia
Comedia, 1911, 14’
Friday, October 28th, 5 pm


Marie-Louise Iribe, France
Drama, 1928, 93’
Saturday, October 29th, 5 pm


A Santanotte (The Holy Night)

Elvira Coda Notari, Italy
Drama, 1922, 90’
Sunday, October 30th, 7:30 pm

Parallel Sections


Deniz Gamze Ergüven, France
Fiction, 2015, 97’
Wednesday, October 26th. 8:15 pm

Con nombre de flor (Named like a flower)

Carina Sama, Argentina
Documentary LGTBIQ+, 2019, 62’
Sunday, October 30th. 6:00 pm

Nos corps sont vos champs de bataille (Our Bodies Are Your Battlefields)

Isabelle Solas, France
Documentary LGTBIQ+, 2021, 100’
Tuesday, November 1st, 7:00 pm

Cadáver Exquisito (Exquisite Corpse)

Lucía Vassallo, Argentina and Brazil
Terror LGTBIQ+, 2021, 88’
Sunday, November 6th, 6:00 pm

Lost Women in Art

Susanne Radelhof, Germany
Documentary, 2021, 52’ x 2
Friday, October 4th. 6:30 pm

Eine flexible Frau (The Drifter)

Tatjana Turanskyj, Germany
Fiction, 2010, 97’
Wednesday, October 26th. 7:00 pm


Elke Margarete Lehrenkrauss, Germany
Documentary, 2019, 103’
Wednesday, November 3rd. 7:00 pm

On the Fence

Nesrine Lotfy Elzayat, Egypt
Documentary, 2020, 72’
Sunday, November 4th. 7:30 pm

Havana Divas

S. Louisa Wei, China
Documentary, 2018, 90’
Wednesday, October 26th. 8:00 pm.


Emily Tang, China
Drama, 2021, 96’
Friday, October 28th. 8:00 pm

Myth of Love/B for Busy

Shao Yihui, China
Romantic comedy, 2021, 112’
Saturday, October 29th. 8:00 pm


Maria Blom, Sweden
Children, 2017, 86’
Sunday, October 30th. 12:00 pm

Kören (The Choir)

Amanda Pesikan, Sweden
Documentary, 2021, 83’
Sunday, October 30th. 8:00 pm


Frida Kempff, Sweden

Fiction, 2021, 78’

Le goût des autres (The Taste of Others)

Agnès Jaoui, France
Fiction, 2000, 112’
Friday, October 26th. 8:30 pm

Comme une image (Look at me)

Agnès Jaoui, France
Fiction, 2003, 110’
Friday, October 28th. 8:00 pm

Parlez-moi de la pluie (Let it Rain)

Agnès Jaoui, France
Fiction, 2008, 98’
Monday, October 31st. 8:00 pm

Una novia errante (A Stray Girlfriend)

Ana Katz, Argentina
Drama, 2006, 85’
Wednesday, November 2nd, 6:30 pm

Sueño Florianópolis (Florianópolis Dream)

Ana Katz, Argentina, Brazil and France
Comedy drama, 2018, 106’
Thursday, November 3rd, 6:30 pm

El juego de la silla (Musical Chairs)

Ana Katz, Argentina
Comedy, 2002, 93’
Friday, November 4th, 7:30 pm

Mi amiga del parque (My friend from the park)

Ana Katz, Argentina and Uruguay
Drama, 2015, 86’
Saturday, November 5th, 6:30 pm

Manto de gemas (Robe of Gems)

Natalia López, Mexico, Argentina and USA
Fiction, 2022, 118’
October 28th / November 3rd, 7:00 pm

El camino de Sol (Sol's journey)

Claudia Sainte-Luce, Mexico
Fiction, 2021, 78’
October 29th / November 5th, 7:00 pm

Estación Catorce

Diana Cardozo, Mexico
Fiction, 2021, 90’
Friday, November 4th. 7:30 pm


Thursday, November 2nd, 2023 - 7.00 pm

Fundación Casa de México en España 

Lila Avilés (Mexico), Mexico/Denmark/France

Fiction, 2023, 95'.


Olivia Wilde, USA
Comedy, 2019, 102’
Thursday, October 27th, 10pm / Sunday, October 30th, 5pm

Don’t Worry Darling

Olivia Wilde, USA
Thriller, 2022, 122’
Friday, October 28th, 10pm / Saturday, October 29th, 8pm

El sostre Groc (The yellow ceiling)

Isabel Coixet, Spain
Documentary, 2022, 94’
Wednesday, October 26th, 9:00 pm

Aos Nossos Filhos (Our Children)

Maria de Medeiros, Portugal
Fiction LGTBIQ+, 2019, 107’
Wednesday, November 2nd, 9:00 pm


Festival offices:
Tel. +34 91 319 97 31
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Press and communication:
Tel. +34 660 573 049
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Festival Cine por Mujeres is promoted by:

  • Limbo Producciones S.L.
  • Asociación Paracultural

Meet our team



With the Support of:

1.marca madrid negro2.comunidaddemadrid3.espacio fundacion telefonicagobmiguimujeres

Corporate sponsor:

sidras maeloc

Focus Austria:

Virtual Venues:

paracultural negro transparente horizontalLogo Limbo

Competition and Contest Venues

cine estudiosLogo Limboparacultural negro transparente horizontal

Cooperating Venues:

Cooperating Entities:

nuevo logo accion triangulo negrobaturu logologo casamerica pelota 3 versiones 7logoespana bn copiadama negro transplogo fundacion consejo espana eeuu png altafundacion pedro zerolologofsgae pantone282ccolegiogestoresadministrativosmadrid10 madrid name one spjapan foundation lockup1 a 11residencia vert


Cooperating embassies:

logo belgian fps foreign affairs odd years embajada de belgica en espana originalembajada de franciaembajada suecia madridreino de los paises bajos fideglogo dgwb es carre couleur



Corporate Partners:

With the Participation of:

AEC. Asociación Española de Directores y Directoras de FotografíaCIMA. Asociación de mujeres cineastas y de medios audiovisualesg28lesgaicinemad colorBlogos de OroUnión de Actores y Actrices


Festival member of:

matriz gradientpantalla id azulblancorampa

Promoted by:

Logo Limboparacultural negro transparente horizontal