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Editorials by the directors to each edition

WOMEN, A MAJORITY MINORITY Throughout the months that elapse between one edition and the next, we read texts, sentences and comments by authors and journalists who always challenge us... They inspire us to write... this editorial. Here are some quotes that should be engraved with a chisel on sto...
EQUALITY AS AN OBJECTIVE AND EXCELLENCE BY FLAG: FIVE YEARS OF THE MADRID FILM FESTIVAL FOR WOMEN When we launched the festival five years ago, we had two clear intentions: we would try to show every year the great wealth and variety of the cinematography directed by women and we would only scre...
Great women movie director: they exist indeed! 2020 was a disastrous year for humanity from all points of view, but especially for global health and global economy. The film industry has been particularly affected, with the stoppage of shooting, poor box office results and the consolidation of n...
Seeing differently, with or without COVID 19 The Sustainable Development Goal 5 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda is "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls". Thus, parity is a human right and a duty of humanity everywhere in the world and in all spheres of life. This is a compl...
It's our momentum! The time has come... and if socially the perception of things is the sum of the particular considerations of many people, we understand why many media designated 2018 as the Year of Women. The situation of social effervescence that we are experiencing after the globalisation ...
Women were present in the history of cinema from the very first minute: just look at the factory workers' exit filmed by Louis Lumière in 1895, where two shifts of men, women and children crossed paths at the factory gates. At that time, Alice Guy-Blaché was twenty-two years old and perhaps alrea...


Festival offices:
Tel. +34 91 319 97 31
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Press and communication:
Tel. +34 660 573 049
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Festival Cine por Mujeres is promoted by:

  • Limbo Producciones S.L.
  • Asociación Paracultural

Meet our team



With the Support of:

1.marca madrid negro2.comunidaddemadrid3.espacio fundacion telefonicagobmiguimujeres

Corporate sponsor:

sidras maeloc

Focus Austria:

Virtual Venues:

paracultural negro transparente horizontalLogo Limbo

Competition and Contest Venues

cine estudiosLogo Limboparacultural negro transparente horizontal

Cooperating Venues:

Cooperating Entities:

nuevo logo accion triangulo negrobaturu logologo casamerica pelota 3 versiones 7logoespana bn copiadama negro transplogo fundacion consejo espana eeuu png altafundacion pedro zerolologofsgae pantone282ccolegiogestoresadministrativosmadrid10 madrid name one spjapan foundation lockup1 a 11residencia vert


Cooperating embassies:

logo belgian fps foreign affairs odd years embajada de belgica en espana originalembajada de franciaembajada suecia madridreino de los paises bajos fideglogo dgwb es carre couleur



Corporate Partners:

With the Participation of:

AEC. Asociación Española de Directores y Directoras de FotografíaCIMA. Asociación de mujeres cineastas y de medios audiovisualesg28lesgaicinemad colorBlogos de OroUnión de Actores y Actrices


Festival member of:

matriz gradientpantalla id azulblancorampa

Promoted by:

Logo Limboparacultural negro transparente horizontal