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Granny’s Dancing on the Table

Granny’s dancing on the table


Fiction. Eini is 13 years old. She grows up isolated from society with her violent father, a man afraid of the world, who keeps Eini very close. He does everything he can to make her believe that the world outside and the people out there are evil, and that all that has to do with sexuality and adulthood is dangerous.

The brutality that Eini is exposed to pushes her to almost lose her sense of self. But through her contact with the force of nature, and by using her invincible fantasy, Eini is capable to create a world within, from which she can draw the strength to survive.

The story of Eini’s grandmother is told through animated sequences, the animated dolls providing a means to further explore fantasy and violence, conveying a state of the real and the imaginary, of the past and the present interlocked.

Hanna Sköld

Granny’s Dancing on the Table is Hanna Sköld’s second feature film. Her recent short Lady Crush had its world premiere in 2011 at Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas.

Sköld, writer and director, started her work with audience participation during the online distribution of her first feature film Nasty Old People in 2009 on the front page of The Pirate Bay. The film was spread online 113 countries, and the audience participated in the distribution through translation of the subtitles, organizing screenings, and donating money to the film. She has a Masters Degree in film from Valand Academy Film in Gothenburg.

Hanna Sköld is exploring new ways to create, finance and distribute her films through interaction with her audience, using transmedia and crowdfunding. With the Granny’s Dancing on the Table project she won the ARTE Power to the Pixel Pitch Prize in London 2010, MEDEA’s Co- Production Prize in Sweden and MEDIA’s European Talent Prize for Best Script in Cannes, both in 2011.

Focus Sweden Section

Wednesday 4th April: 16.00h
Academia de Cine

Section: Focus Sweden


Year of Production: 2015

Running Time: 85′

Country: Sweden

Language: Swedish

Director: Hanna Sköld

Cast: Blanca Engström and Lennart Jähkel

Producer: Helene Granqvist

Production Companies: Nordic Factory Sweden

International Sales: Nordic Factory Sweden

Main Festivals and Awards: San Sebastián International Film Festival and Toronto International Film Festival


Festival offices:
Tel. +34 91 319 97 31
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Press and communication:
Tel. +34 660 573 049
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Festival Cine por Mujeres is promoted by:

  • Limbo Producciones S.L.
  • Asociación Paracultural

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