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Lourdes, Marián and Margaret, three trans women born in Gran Canaria under the shadow of the Franco dictatorship, lend themselves to telling their story with humour, rawness and sensitivity. Through the director's eyes, we will take a journey through their experiences and their link with La Isleta, the neighbourhood that was a refuge and home in times of exclusion and oppression. 

Patri Rivero (Spain)

Patri Rivero was born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in the early eighties and is the eldest of two siblings. She trained as an actress at the Corazza Studio and as an energy therapist with the aim of acquiring tools to better cope with the anguish that accompanies her. At the same time and almost automatically, she began to write comedy. In 2014 she began her training as a Gestalt Therapist at the Canarian School of Gestalt Psychotherapy, with the aim of having a good base in the accompaniment of people, in 2021 she directed and wrote the documentary Isleteñas that she dedicated to her aunt Andrea Rivero Sanchez.

With the collaboration of Pride Positivo and Cesida.

Thursday, November 7th, 19:00

Cinemateca Pedro Zerolo

Calle Tribulete, 20

Admission: free until full capacity is reached

Cinemateca Pedro Zerolo. Ciclo interseccionalidades

Year: 2021

Genre: Documentary 

Running Time: 19:56 minutes

Language: Spanish

Country: Spain

Topic: Trans historical memory

Director: Patri Rivero

Screenplay: Patri Rivero

Production: Kela M. Gris

Cinematography: Core Ruiz

Music: Sergio Rivero

Cast: Margaret García, Marián Pérez, Lourdes Coello.  


Festival offices:
Tel. +34 91 319 97 31
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Press and communication:
Tel. +34 660 573 049
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Festival Cine por Mujeres is promoted by:

  • Limbo Producciones S.L.
  • Asociación Paracultural

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With the Support of:

1.marca madrid negro2.comunidaddemadrid3.espacio fundacion telefonicagobmiguimujeres

Corporate sponsor:

sidras maeloc

Focus Austria:

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Corporate Partners:

With the Participation of:

AEC. Asociación Española de Directores y Directoras de FotografíaCIMA. Asociación de mujeres cineastas y de medios audiovisualesg28lesgaicinemad colorBlogos de OroUnión de Actores y Actrices


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