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"I wasn't born in the wrong body; I was born in the wrong society" Josseline Aguilar. Through a monologue, the Mexican activist tells her story as well as other trans women’s ones.

Pilar García Elegido (Spain)

Pilar García Elegido was born in Madrid and is a director, producer and co-screenwriter of the documentary short films "Confluencias" (1999 Goya Award for Best Documentary Short Film), "Positivo" and "Ventanas". In 2000 and 20017 she was to the Goya Award of the same category. She directed the documentary "Este" included in the feature film "Cuatro puntos cardinales" (2002). From 2003 to 2019 she was responsible for the film department of the Madrid Community. She has coordinated festivals such as the Short Film Week and Animadrid, professional meetings, workshops and various film events. She writes narrative and blogs (

With the collaboration of Pride Positivo and Cesida.

Thursday, November 7th, 19:00

Cinemateca Pedro Zerolo

Calle Tribulete, 20

Admission: free until full capacity is reached

Cinemateca Pedro Zerolo. Ciclo interseccionalidades

Year: 2021

Genre: Documentary

Running Time: 15 minutes

Language: Spanish

Country: Spain

Topics: Family, Trans, Violence, Identities, Resilience, Activism

Director: Pilar García Elegido

Screenplay: Josseline Aguilar

Production: Pilar García Elegido

Cinematography: Pilar García Elegido

Music: Esther García, Rena, Coral García Arcos

Cast: Josseline Aguilar.


Festival offices:
Tel. +34 91 319 97 31
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Press and communication:
Tel. +34 660 573 049
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Festival Cine por Mujeres is promoted by:

  • Limbo Producciones S.L.
  • Asociación Paracultural

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With the Support of:

1.marca madrid negro2.comunidaddemadrid3.espacio fundacion telefonicagobmiguimujeres

Corporate sponsor:

sidras maeloc

Focus Austria:

Virtual Venues:

paracultural negro transparente horizontalLogo Limbo

Competition and Contest Venues

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Cooperating Entities:

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Cooperating embassies:

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Corporate Partners:

With the Participation of:

AEC. Asociación Española de Directores y Directoras de FotografíaCIMA. Asociación de mujeres cineastas y de medios audiovisualesg28lesgaicinemad colorBlogos de OroUnión de Actores y Actrices


Festival member of:

matriz gradientpantalla id azulblancorampa

Promoted by:

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