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La cigüeña de Burgos (The Stork of Burgos)

La cigüeña de Burgos
The Stork of Burgos


Documentary. The director of the film is a teenager when, after the funeral of her father, she reads the life of the deceased in the newspapers. “Why don't I know about this?”. Daughter of an anarchist convicted of terrorism during the Franco dictatorship and affiliated with the communist party during his imprisonment, a party for which he would later become a councilor in Barcelona during the first democratic legislatures in Spain, Joana Conill understands that her father, a companion of games and adventures, decided not to tell her a part of his life. Why? While she made the film, the daughter learned to be a film director, like when she was a little girl and played mystery games with his father, on a trip to the land of memory where the pieces never fit. If memory is impossible, what prompts us to search?

Joana Conill

Joana Conill (Logroño, Spain, 08/29/1980). She resides in Barcelona. He studies Art History at the University of Barcelona (UB) and Film Direction at the Center for Film Studies of Catalonia (CECC). Later he will study Narrative and Novel at the Ateneo of Barcelona School of Writing. She decides to finish her academic career to work on her dream of being able to give voice to her family history linked to the Spanish political violence of the 20th century and to find ways of collective reparation that provide new social scenarios beyond conflict and trauma. She started the direction of The stork of Burgos in 2014 and studied ProcessOriented Psychology (Process Work Institute and IAPOP) to be able to support her own search process and that of other people. In 2020 she finishes her first self-produced documentary film, after six years of patience and perseverance.

Presentation with the film’s director, Joana Conill and the festival's codirector. 

Spanish Authors Competition

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2021. 9 pm
Sala Berlanga de la fundación SGAE

Spanish Female Authors Competition

Year of Production: 2020

Running Time: 82’

Country: Spain

Language: Spanish

Director: Joana Conill

Production: Sigue Soñando Films

International sales: Distribution with Glasses

Main Festivals and Awards: Selected for the Muestra de cine documental de Burgos, the Festival Internacional de Cinema de Cerdanya, Terra Gollut Film Festival and Alcances - Festival de Cine Documental.


Festival offices:
Tel. +34 91 319 97 31
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Press and communication:
Tel. +34 660 573 049
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Festival Cine por Mujeres is promoted by:

  • Limbo Producciones S.L.
  • Asociación Paracultural

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With the Support of:

1.marca madrid negro2.comunidaddemadrid3.espacio fundacion telefonicagobmiguimujeres

Corporate sponsor:

sidras maeloc

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Corporate Partners:

With the Participation of:

AEC. Asociación Española de Directores y Directoras de FotografíaCIMA. Asociación de mujeres cineastas y de medios audiovisualesg28lesgaicinemad colorBlogos de OroUnión de Actores y Actrices


Festival member of:

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